Mel Bennett

Mel Bennett Background
Mel Bennett, M.A., L.P.C., is a New Jersey Licensed Professional Counselor. Ms. Bennett's practice is oriented toward clients struggling with Anxiety Disorders or Life Adjustment Issues. Additionally, Ms. Bennett specializes in Forgiveness as a Psychological Therapy, has led seminars and workshops in this topic and facilitates group therapy on the topic. In her private practice, she employs cognitive behavioral principles, EMDR and positive psychology protocols.

Ms. Bennett is a graduate of Georgian Court University (2008) where she earned a Masters in Counseling Psychology. She also holds a Juris Doctorate degree from St. John’s University School of Law (1984), and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Providence College (1981). Ms. Bennett has also served on the Executive Board of the New Jersey Counseling Association since 2009, and in the capacity of President from 2010-2011. She currently serves as Membership Chair and Past President. She is the 2011 recipient of the Charles S. Tabler Award for Distinguished Service in the Counseling Profession.

She is a wife and mother, active volunteer in a variety of venues and serves in various capacities in her community.

Contact information:


Services rendered by Ms. Bennett are not covered by Insurance. Payment is expected at the time of service. Payment may be in the form of cash or check.

Fees for the treatment of Anxiety Disorders or for Life Adjustment Issues:

  • Initial Psychodiagnostic Interview: $100.00.
  • Standard 50 minute Psychotherapy Session: $75.00.
  • When it is clinically appropriate and feasible, extended sessions (75 minutes) may be utilized. This is particularly useful in EMDR sessions. These sessions are either pre-planned or may be suggested during a standard session, if clinically warranted and time permits. These sessions are billed at $100.00.
  • On relatively rare occasion, there may be a reason to have a shorter (25 minute) session. These are billed at $45.00.

Fees for Forgiveness Therapy Groups are generally $180 ($30/session for 6 sessions) payable at registration.

Fees for Forgiveness Therapy Presentations vary depending on the needs of the client and the length of time involved. A two hour Seminars entitled The Psychology of Forgiveness is $200 for 2 hours.

Forgiveness Therapy - What is Forgiveness Therapy?

Over the last 25 years, psychological researchers have been studying the benefits of Forgiveness as a therapeutic response to a host of issues from anger to depression, anxiety, rumination, addiction and more. The research is well settled that Forgiveness is an effective treatment for psychological symptoms offering sustained relief.

What is Forgiveness? How does one go about Forgiving? Why Forgive? In Forgiveness groups, participants learn the answer to these questions and begin to practice therapeutic Forgiveness. The group therapy protocol is focused on a specific offending event that has injured the participant and prevented him/her from "moving on" with a sense of well-being and peace. Grievous acts can have lasting negative consequences for many and therapeutic Forgiveness allows one to obtain a sense of closure and peace. Additionally, therapeutic Forgiveness acts as an aid for the development of "trait" Forgiveness or habitual Forgiveness, which in turn acts as a buffer against future grievances and daily life challenges.

The Forgiveness Therapy group work is restricted to adults. Groups meet once a week for 6 weeks and the price is $30 per session, payable at registration.

In addition to group therapy, Ms. Bennett also offers a Seminar on Forgiveness Therapy called The Psychology of Forgiveness. This is a two hour interactive psycho-educational workshop for adults.

For more information on the next available Forgiveness Group or for more information regarding counseling, please contact Ms. Bennett directly at 908-902-3161.

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